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While Ophelia’s madness becomes a pity party, Hamlet’s madness is seen as strange and unusual. Ophelia became mad because of her confusion inflicted by Hamlet. Both characters’ actions, out of madness or not, lead to their ultimate defeat. Observing Hamlet’s behavior, Ophelia says that he is acting “as if he had been loosed out of hell” (Ⅱ.Ⅰ) Hamlet’s most significant example of utilizing his madness ruse is after a troupe of actors enter Elsinore and present Hamlet with the solution he has been waiting for to prove his father had told him the truth about his murder. Saying, “I’ll have these players play something like the murder of my father before mine uncle. I’ll observe his looks.” Hamlet essay: Topic 2 Andrew Vedder In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the main protagonist Prince Hamlet is seen as being “mad” by many of his friends and family members. This however is not true. Hamlet was not truly mad, he is putting on a fake persona to trick people into believing it so they did not find out what he was truly up to

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· In Hamlet, Hamlet’s madness is actually related to the ghost who tells him the truth. According to Sigmund Freud, he says that the explicit behavior of human always expresses the implicit state of mind. Therefore, it can be said that the ghost is not external objective existence, it is the reflection of Hamlet’s psychology Anger And Madness In Hamlet From the very beginning, Hamlet is burdened with horrendous news of his father’s murder. As well as Hamlet not knowing if the news is true or not, because it came from some ghost or demon that could just be tricking him. Even when hearing this news he remains calm and thinks things through · Hamlet uses madness as a way to defend himself from the world. They state “At first Hamlet’s madness is considered as harmless and have been caused by no other than the problems that are present. However when hamlet murders Polonius, Hamlet’s madness is interpreted differently. Hamlet’s madness is compared to a “foul disease”
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Some might argue that Hamlet’s madness was real or not, but in truth, it was a truly disastrous time in Hamlet’s life. Hamlet experienced tragic life situations rather quickly and these all had a huge impact on Hamlets life. His father had passed away and his uncle had just married his widowed mother Anger And Madness In Hamlet From the very beginning, Hamlet is burdened with horrendous news of his father’s murder. As well as Hamlet not knowing if the news is true or not, because it came from some ghost or demon that could just be tricking him. Even when hearing this news he remains calm and thinks things through · In Hamlet, Hamlet’s madness is actually related to the ghost who tells him the truth. According to Sigmund Freud, he says that the explicit behavior of human always expresses the implicit state of mind. Therefore, it can be said that the ghost is not external objective existence, it is the reflection of Hamlet’s psychology

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· In Hamlet, Hamlet’s madness is actually related to the ghost who tells him the truth. According to Sigmund Freud, he says that the explicit behavior of human always expresses the implicit state of mind. Therefore, it can be said that the ghost is not external objective existence, it is the reflection of Hamlet’s psychology Hamlet’s most significant example of utilizing his madness ruse is after a troupe of actors enter Elsinore and present Hamlet with the solution he has been waiting for to prove his father had told him the truth about his murder. Saying, “I’ll have these players play something like the murder of my father before mine uncle. I’ll observe his looks.” Hamlet essay: Topic 2 Andrew Vedder In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the main protagonist Prince Hamlet is seen as being “mad” by many of his friends and family members. This however is not true. Hamlet was not truly mad, he is putting on a fake persona to trick people into believing it so they did not find out what he was truly up to
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· Hamlet uses madness as a way to defend himself from the world. They state “At first Hamlet’s madness is considered as harmless and have been caused by no other than the problems that are present. However when hamlet murders Polonius, Hamlet’s madness is interpreted differently. Hamlet’s madness is compared to a “foul disease” In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare madness is a prominent trait that many of the characters in the play come to possess. These characters go through a multitude of troubles throughout the play that makes this madness justifiable. This madness plays an immense role in the outcome of the play and events throughout it Hamlet essay: Topic 2 Andrew Vedder In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the main protagonist Prince Hamlet is seen as being “mad” by many of his friends and family members. This however is not true. Hamlet was not truly mad, he is putting on a fake persona to trick people into believing it so they did not find out what he was truly up to
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