More Leadership Research Papers:
practiced leadership styles throughout the globe, and if any new ideology is developed through the research, it can improve these leadership styles further and bring further success to organizations. Therefore, the survey was designed to focus on these six leadership styles only. The main objective of this research is “to Swarup () argued that autocratic leadership style is a classified leadership style. It’s a style of leadership where a manager is the most powerful entity and it is the primary decision maker (Gordon, ). This style of leadership is based on the traditional premise that leaders are good managers who direct and control their people Contemporary theories of leadership first began to focus on both traits and behaviors. Recently, there has been more of a focus on leadership styles, two of these being transactional and Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

THE STYLES OF LEADERSHIP The terminology style is roughly equivalent to the leader’s behavior. It is the way in which the leader influences the followers (Luthans, ). There are many ways to lead and every leader has own style. Some of the more common styles include autocratic, bureaucratic, leadership and laissez-faire This study found that Transformational leadership was the best form of l eadership style, although some researcher have concluded that transactional leadership Contemporary theories of leadership first began to focus on both traits and behaviors. Recently, there has been more of a focus on leadership styles, two of these being transactional and Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

i) autocratic or authoritarian ii) democratic or participative iii) laissez-faire or free rain autocratic leadership adebakin and gbadamosi () depicted a totalitarian pioneer as one who is extremely aware of his position and has little trust or confidence in he subordinates, he feels that pay is a simply compensate for work and it is just Leadership Theories A. Great-Man Theory The effort to ward explorations for common traits of leadership is protracted over centuries as most Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins THE STYLES OF LEADERSHIP The terminology style is roughly equivalent to the leader’s behavior. It is the way in which the leader influences the followers (Luthans, ). There are many ways to lead and every leader has own style. Some of the more common styles include autocratic, bureaucratic, leadership and laissez-faire

i) autocratic or authoritarian ii) democratic or participative iii) laissez-faire or free rain autocratic leadership adebakin and gbadamosi () depicted a totalitarian pioneer as one who is extremely aware of his position and has little trust or confidence in he subordinates, he feels that pay is a simply compensate for work and it is just practiced leadership styles throughout the globe, and if any new ideology is developed through the research, it can improve these leadership styles further and bring further success to organizations. Therefore, the survey was designed to focus on these six leadership styles only. The main objective of this research is “to THE STYLES OF LEADERSHIP The terminology style is roughly equivalent to the leader’s behavior. It is the way in which the leader influences the followers (Luthans, ). There are many ways to lead and every leader has own style. Some of the more common styles include autocratic, bureaucratic, leadership and laissez-faire

Leadership Theories A. Great-Man Theory The effort to ward explorations for common traits of leadership is protracted over centuries as most Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Abstract and Figures In this global competitive environment, effective leadership style is necessary to reduce the attrition rate. From the effective leadership styles only it is possible to This study found that Transformational leadership was the best form of l eadership style, although some researcher have concluded that transactional leadership
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